My name is Teo, a melting pot of Sri Lankan, Italian, and Canadian heritage, currently navigating the vibrant world of graphic design. Specializing in branding, digital, video editing, and motion graphics, my journey in the realm of design is fuelled by a lifelong passion for art and creativity.
My Story
From doodling in the margins of notebooks as a child to mastering the Adobe Creative Suite, my path has always been adorned with the pursuit of beauty and functionality in design. My diverse background is not just geographical but experiential, stretching from the theatrical stages and cinemas of my early years to the rigorous, innovative corridors of a Canadian University where I am close to obtaining my Bachelor's Degree in Graphic Design for Marketing.
Unique Perspectives
The worlds of theatre and cinema have not just been workplaces but classrooms where I've learned the essence of storytelling and visual communication. This experience has been invaluable, allowing me to view design through the lens of narrative and emotion, ensuring my creations aren't just seen but felt.
Design Philosophy
I strive for a balance between aesthetic appeal and practical functionality. In my eyes, good design is the silent hero of everyday life, solving problems, enhancing experiences, and making the world a more navigable and enjoyable place.
Academic and Voluntary Endeavours
Returning to university was a leap back into the academic world, rich with opportunities to learn from industry experts and collaborate with peers equally enamored by design. This environment has been a fertile ground for growth, enabling me to delve into new design techniques and the philosophical underpinnings of our craft.
Beyond the classroom, I dedicate myself to the Association of Registered Graphic Designers' student committee, planning events, and workshops, and spearheading mentorship initiatives. Volunteering not only allows me to give back but to stay connected with the vibrant design community, keeping my finger on the pulse of industry trends and challenges.
Let's Create Together
I am on a continuous quest to expand my horizons, hone my craft, and contribute meaningful, beautiful design to the world. Thank you for visiting my page. I am excited about the possibility of collaborating and bringing your design visions to life!

2023 Honourable Mention RGD AWARDS - Context Award for Storytelling
2023 Honourable Mention SALAZAR AWARDS - VIDEO and MOTION
2023 Winner #HeyRGD - DESIGNTHINKERS Scholarship